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Our Brilliant Ruin is Available on Amazon
The Our Brilliant Ruin TTRPG Book, Dice and Whisper Supplements are available now on...

Comic Book: Dark Horse Is Partnering With Studio Hermitage
Dark Horse is partnering with Studio Hermitage to publish a three-issue miniseries set in the world of Our Brilliant Ruin, the tabletop RPG that kicked off a shared transmedia IP (see “Studio Hermitage Announces ‘Our Brilliant Ruin’”). Our...

Clawmoor Heights – Episode 1 Out Now
Studio Hermitage is excited to present the first episode of its audio drama, Clawmoor Heights. Written and directed by Rachel J. Wilkinson (Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, Vampire: The Masquerade—Port Saga) and starring Kate Siegel (The F...

We’re announcing the next chapter in the world of Our Brilliant Ruin.
Clawmoor Heights is a four-hour audio drama released in 10 installments, with the first episode launching this fall. Join our Discord to stay...